Speak Life…Virtually!

Tonight was different. We’ve been in contact with our outreach group since the Coronavirus took a turn in America last week. Since then we have been texting and calling everyone to make sure they are doing good. Because we want to be […]

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Untap Your Potential

I have spent the last 45minutes texting teenagers from our ministry reminding them that God is the same God he was two months ago. I have also been responding to my employees texts giving the same message and advising them on next […]

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Dedicated to reYouth

Today I was able to get out into nature. That’s my happy place. It’s where I always hear from God. Today was no different. I take that back. Today was different. I mean really different. I learned my kids schools are closed. […]

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Spilling Milk and Other Things

My boys love to pour their own drinks. Unfortunately, not all of the liquid gets in the cup. Some spills are worse than others. The ginger ale spill. My oldest loves ginger ale and he will grab a two liter in a […]

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Jesus, please wake up!

One of my favorite stories in the Bible was when the disciples were in a boat freaking out about the waves crashing over them and Jesus was snoring (Mark 4:35-41). In fact He was at the bottom of the boat with His […]

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Bedtime Stories & Wisdom

I was reading the Zax story to the boys tonight by Dr Seuss. It’s a short story of two people that were from different areas refusing to see the others point of view. They spent their entire lives standing in one place […]

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Grace and Tree Branches

During our family retreat, I took Grace to the river front area. Her little hand in mine. She was talking up a storm and pointing to everything and asking broken English questions (she is two!). I asked her if she wanted to […]

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Proud Daddy!

I have never been more proud. I thought I was proud when they each took their first steps. I was proud when they said “DaDa” and “Arrgh”. But this, this was next level. Watching each of my kids present the Gospel in […]

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Be There

Be there. I cannot stress the importance of being there. Tonight some of our teenagers put on a practice performance for their families for an upcoming theater competition. It was amazing. My wife directed it and did an absolutely great job! I […]

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God and Netflex

I really left youth so pumped and inspired last night. It was one of those lessons where I could see the teens getting it. I stressed that they go home and re-read the chapter and have more conversations with God. To often […]

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