Fight or Flight

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and […]

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Ready. Set. Go.

Let’s talk potential. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Philippians 4:13 Whatever I have… You could have a little or you could have a lot. There is […]

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Fresh Revelation!

How crazy would it be to show up to work wearing your 5th grade attire? For me it would be a pair of black and green umbros and a white Air Jordan t-shirt. Plus my two tone LA Gear sneakers. Back in […]

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Confidence…Part II

Today was spent in the hospital and we got through it. Josiah crushed it and got all of his blood work done. As we were sitting in the waiting room, I re-read the story of David whooping Goliath. Read it again and […]

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Confidence at the Hospital

Let’s talk about confidence. Tonight Josiah and I talked about the hospital tomorrow. We will be getting up early tomorrow and headed to the hospital. He has to spend the majority of the day getting blood work done and xrays. He is […]

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Need Direction?

I know that if I drive in the eastern direction, I’ll eventually get to the east coast. Maybe. There would be obstacles that would make me go north or south on the journey. I might even have to double back a couple […]

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The Voices

ROBBIE, YOU CAN’T DO THAT! YOU AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH! YOU AREN’T QUALIFIED! YOU AREN’T READY! YOU MESSED UP! I’ve heard those voices before. I’ve heard people say them to me. I have also heard my own voice in my head repeat those […]

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Look Forward While Driving

Ever notice how big your windshield is in comparison to the size of your rear view mirror? There is a big difference! You need the larger area in order to see where you are going. You never look in the rear view […]

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Remember the Alamo in 2020

We took my dad to see the Alamo today. It made me think about the history of this great city of San Antonio. These brave men and women fought for what they believed in. They had people from all across the country […]

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The Waiting

On the last day of the retreat I sent the teens out to find a spot and have a conversation about waiting. Sometimes God chooses for us to wait before the answer comes in. But what makes the difference is what we […]

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