429 Times!

I did a word search on the word “fear” in the Bible. I thought it was really cool that “fear not” is listed 365 times! That’s one verse a day reminding us not to fear. There is nothing that our God can’t […]

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An Easter Tradition

One of my favorite traditions we have done every year with our kids are Resurrection rolls. I’ve done the one thousand egg hunt…wait…ten thousand egg hunt with hundreds of kids as a youth pastor (came out with bruises from the stampedes!), but […]

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He Is For You

Take a moment and watch this incredible song by Kari Jobe & Elevation Worship entitled “The Blessing” The Lord bless you and keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His face toward you […]

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Listen To Our Hearts

I had a great conversation with some of my friends through text today. They are always good for a laugh, but they are always there through the tough times as well. We were discussing the state of things and Jonathan Crane pointed […]

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Ripped Tortillas

Scars. We all have them. Some of us grew up in a divorced home. Some lost loved ones. Others got picked on because they looked different. Braces anyone?! Some got laid off instead of promoted. Some have teens in total rebellion. Some […]

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Sacred. Wait meant to type: Scared!

Have you ever been gripped in fear? I’m talking heart jumping out of your chest, head pounding, and cold sweats fear? Sorry I just sent half of you to a really dark place! But seriously we all deal with fear in our […]

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Legacy: Pastor Greg

Today I talked to the teenagers about legacy. I asked them what is their legacy? What will be said about you when you graduate from high school? How you carry yourself will be etched into the year books. They were drawn into […]

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My Time In Heaven

I have been to Heaven. I have seen God, heard His voice, and been embraced completely in His presence. I believe there is at least one person that needs to know that it’s not a fairytale. I wanted to share it with […]

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