Bless God!
Psalm 34:1, “I bless GOD every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise.” Think about that statement from David and really dissect it: “I bless God every chance I get” Notice the word “every” in that statement. It doesn’t say […]
Psalm 34:1, “I bless GOD every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise.”
Think about that statement from David and really dissect it:
“I bless God every chance I get”
Notice the word “every” in that statement. It doesn’t say when you get the new position. It doesn’t say when you feel good. It doesn’t say when you get laid off. It doesn’t say when your team loses. But it does say “every”, meaning all the time! Regardless of the situation, David is saying we should bless God all day, every day no matter what we are going through.
“My lungs expand with his praise.”
As a father of two kids battling cystic fibrosis I know a lot about lungs. I watch constantly to see their lungs expand with taking breaths. People with healthy lungs take it for granted unfortunately. But in this verse, I almost feel like that is what David was referring too. We should always be praising him. It should be a natural thing that happens without thinking about it.
God may I trust you and praise you regardless what this day holds for me and my family. May I bless you at every corner, every chance I get. I want my praise to become a part of me so much that I don’t even realize I’m doing it. Thank you Jesus, for everything!