What’s In Your Blender?

The other day I got Levi a milkshake. He loved the idea about it, but when I handed it to him…he wasn’t a fan. He decided he needed a spoon and declared that he was more of a ice cream man. That […]

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Club ‘56 and M&M’s

Years ago I helped to lead Club’56. It was a youth ministry we created for fifth and sixth graders. That was one of the most fun ministry seasons ever. We had a run down, gutted out trailer that was overflowing with kids […]

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George Floyd, America, and Me

They asked Jesus what makes a good neighbor. Jesus responded by telling a parable that is all too real for a week that our nation has been ripped apart by a pandemic and now torn apart by racism, again.  The story unfolds […]

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Get Your Shovels!

“He then said, “ GOD ’s word: Dig ditches all over this valley. Here’s what will happen—you won’t hear the wind, you won’t see the rain, but this valley is going to fill up with water and your army and your animals […]

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What Does “Hacer” mean?

What does Hacer mean? It is a Spanish word that is translated to the English definition meaning: to do, make, bring, take on, create, render, give, and work (there are more examples, but I really love those!). The word, “Hacer” literally captures […]

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Be An Influencer

“Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down. Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.” Romans 12:14-16 MSG Want […]

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Lifting Your Arms Up

Look for the moments. Moses and the Israelites were in a fight for their lives. The battle raged for hours and Moses realized that if his hands were raised toward heaven, they would start winning. When his arms dropped with exhaustion, they […]

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It’s Not About You or Me

“If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care —then do […]

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It’s About Others

To often we make it about us. I this. Me that. We focus on us. We want everyone to hear about us. Paul doesn’t do that. He opens up his letter from a Roman jail cell acknowledging who he was talking too. […]

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5 Weeks, But Who Is Counting?

How is quarantine doing for you? Are you staying busy? Have you binged watched Netflix, Prime, and Disney+ yet? Do you know every song from Daniel Tiger and all the versions of Baby Shark? How are the algebra and GT assignments going? […]

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