429 Times!

I did a word search on the word “fear” in the Bible. I thought it was really cool that “fear not” is listed 365 times! That’s one verse a day reminding us not to fear. There is nothing that our God can’t […]

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Searching By The Rocks

What are you looking for? Yesterday my daughter joined millions of 2yr olds looking for Easter eggs to fill in their basket. Her eggs contained candy and coins. I was seeing the eggs clearly out there by a tree (I did put […]

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An Easter Tradition

One of my favorite traditions we have done every year with our kids are Resurrection rolls. I’ve done the one thousand egg hunt…wait…ten thousand egg hunt with hundreds of kids as a youth pastor (came out with bruises from the stampedes!), but […]

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Small Potatoes!

“So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These […]

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Be A Lighthouse

Today has been a fun day. I helped several team members get setup to work remotely. Taught an art class during my lunch to my boys on how to draw lighthouses. Conducted an interview for someone to start working remotely. Then did […]

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Spilling Milk and Other Things

My boys love to pour their own drinks. Unfortunately, not all of the liquid gets in the cup. Some spills are worse than others. The ginger ale spill. My oldest loves ginger ale and he will grab a two liter in a […]

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Bedtime Stories & Wisdom

I was reading the Zax story to the boys tonight by Dr Seuss. It’s a short story of two people that were from different areas refusing to see the others point of view. They spent their entire lives standing in one place […]

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Proud Daddy!

I have never been more proud. I thought I was proud when they each took their first steps. I was proud when they said “DaDa” and “Arrgh”. But this, this was next level. Watching each of my kids present the Gospel in […]

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Lunch Time and Conversations

Take the time with your kids. I had a day off from work today. There was a part of me that just wanted to have a “me” day. Watch a John Wick movie on tv, eat wings, and play Madden before I […]

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Daddy Day!

Today I had the honor of having a daddy day with my lil’ Grace. We did two breathing treatments, balloon fights, rode a train, fed some ducks, had lunch, and she was by my side while I preached. Her new thing is […]

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