Grace and Tree Branches

During our family retreat, I took Grace to the river front area. Her little hand in mine. She was talking up a storm and pointing to everything and asking broken English questions (she is two!). I asked her if she wanted to […]

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Be There

Be there. I cannot stress the importance of being there. Tonight some of our teenagers put on a practice performance for their families for an upcoming theater competition. It was amazing. My wife directed it and did an absolutely great job! I […]

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Ripped Tortillas

Scars. We all have them. Some of us grew up in a divorced home. Some lost loved ones. Others got picked on because they looked different. Braces anyone?! Some got laid off instead of promoted. Some have teens in total rebellion. Some […]

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Let it Go

What can be, won’t be, until you let go of what could have been. -Pastor Greg Kennedy I joined hundreds of others online to watch the live Memorial Service for Pastor Greg at Open Door Church tonight. What a legacy. The service […]

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Sacred. Wait meant to type: Scared!

Have you ever been gripped in fear? I’m talking heart jumping out of your chest, head pounding, and cold sweats fear? Sorry I just sent half of you to a really dark place! But seriously we all deal with fear in our […]

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The Harvest

I grew up riding the tractor with my grandaddy. If it wasn’t raining there was a very high percentage chance you could find me riding with him starring at the rows and rows of dirt. Something about watching the seeds being planted […]

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Proverbs 31. Yes Sir!

A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. Proverbs 31:10. Her name is Annie. I am in awe of this woman. She is my Queen and I am more of her jester than King! I remember listening […]

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Hold on Son!

Did you try it? Where you scared to do it? Did you venture into the unknown to accomplish it? My son Levi did! We were driving home a week or so ago from a family activity and we talked about the rodeo […]

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I am Mephibosheth

I want to be more heart and less attack. I’m listening to this song on repeat at Starbucks this morning and trying to keep it together as I type this. God is so speaking to me this morning. I want to shout […]

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Fresh Revelation!

How crazy would it be to show up to work wearing your 5th grade attire? For me it would be a pair of black and green umbros and a white Air Jordan t-shirt. Plus my two tone LA Gear sneakers. Back in […]

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