While I was cleaning out the garage today, I was singing to a 90s mix on the iPhone and attempting to teach my son how to pack a tote. I was also singing along with Eddie Vedder and thinking about how many […]
While I was cleaning out the garage today, I was singing to a 90s mix on the iPhone and attempting to teach my son how to pack a tote. I was also singing along with Eddie Vedder and thinking about how many more trips to the storage unit I would be taking before lunch. I reached down to grab a tool to put in a tote and I noticed a strange shadow on a tool. I immediately dropped it and took a step back. Yes, I may have screamed a prayer and/or profanity (let your imagination fly) and jumped two feet backward. I took a deeper look and there he was. He was a huge spider and I realized it was right where my fingers were holding the tool. While I was looking at it, it raised its front two legs at me….again I may have a cussed and/or prayed…and jumped three feet this time!
How many times do we go through life thinking everything is ok, only to get bitten by a spider? I am a massive giant compared to this little spider. In fact, I didn’t know he was even there! But if it were to have bitten me I would have felt pain, possible side effects, and lots of anxiety. I wasn’t prepared for that!
So often the devil works like this spider. Hiding. Waiting. Staying small and out of sight. Until we are off focus and not paying attention. That’s when he strikes. He is always in the shadows seeking to steal the joy and life of us all.
Once I put the spider in the driveway I could see it clearly and my fear immediately dried up. It was because I left the shadows and the dim garage door light behind and stepped toward the sunlight outside.
Because I wasn’t paying attention I left the door open to get hurt. How often do we do that with our spiritual selves? We take things for granted only to find out later that our focus was off. If that’s you, step into the light and back to God. Talk about whatever it is that has you “bitten” and watch how that inconvenience begins to shrink down to next to nothing!