Proud Daddy!

I have never been more proud. I thought I was proud when they each took their first steps. I was proud when they said “DaDa” and “Arrgh”. But this, this was next level. Watching each of my kids present the Gospel in […]

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Be There

Be there. I cannot stress the importance of being there. Tonight some of our teenagers put on a practice performance for their families for an upcoming theater competition. It was amazing. My wife directed it and did an absolutely great job! I […]

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God and Netflex

I really left youth so pumped and inspired last night. It was one of those lessons where I could see the teens getting it. I stressed that they go home and re-read the chapter and have more conversations with God. To often […]

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Ask For Help

I want to say thank you. I posted last night about our daughter Grace on social media. The nurses called her a princess warrior in the nicu and every day she proves it, even 2yrs later! Last night she had a fever, […]

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Legacy: Pastor Greg

Today I talked to the teenagers about legacy. I asked them what is their legacy? What will be said about you when you graduate from high school? How you carry yourself will be etched into the year books. They were drawn into […]

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The Harvest

I grew up riding the tractor with my grandaddy. If it wasn’t raining there was a very high percentage chance you could find me riding with him starring at the rows and rows of dirt. Something about watching the seeds being planted […]

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Grace Turns 2!

Today we celebrated my baby girls second birthday. Every birthday with your kids is a gift. When I am recalling today’s events, I can’t help but we relive two years ago. Two years ago I was in the NICU and my wife […]

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Scrap wood into Masterpieces

It all started with 4 pieces of scrap wood and 3hrs later it was transformed into art! There were multiple steps involved. In fact we had to break off some points, dent some places, pound out edges, and even scratch off the […]

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Lunch Time and Conversations

Take the time with your kids. I had a day off from work today. There was a part of me that just wanted to have a “me” day. Watch a John Wick movie on tv, eat wings, and play Madden before I […]

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I am Mephibosheth

I want to be more heart and less attack. I’m listening to this song on repeat at Starbucks this morning and trying to keep it together as I type this. God is so speaking to me this morning. I want to shout […]

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