God Cares About Us
Two days ago Josiah (my oldest) lost his glasses. I took the kids to an empty parking lot at the backside of Seaworld. Before security told us to leave, Josiah was having a blast on his razor. Levi was on his bike. […]
Two days ago Josiah (my oldest) lost his glasses. I took the kids to an empty parking lot at the backside of Seaworld. Before security told us to leave, Josiah was having a blast on his razor. Levi was on his bike. Grace was in the stroller getting her daddy to collect flowers. It was hot, but it gave the kids freedom to spread out and enjoy the outside for a change. It really was 30minutes of fun play! On the way back to the house, I reminded Josiah to put on his glasses. “Dad…oh no I lost them!”. Really?!
Great. We are in the middle of a pandemic crisis with all the stores closing…and he lost his glasses. He advised they must have fell out of his pocket because he took them off skating. I was a little upset, but it was an accident. I told Josiah we would need to look for them, but not today. It was getting late and the security guard wasn’t thrilled that we were in the empty parking lot earlier.
Today, I finally got free time and told Josiah we were going out to find these glasses. Josiah wasn’t thrilled and reminded me how big the parking lot was. I reminded him the glasses store was closed for God knows how long. Literally!
So we walked to the lot. Had a cool conversation about faith and where God is with the world in chaos. When we got to the parking lot I had Josiah stop with me to pray. I was talking about how God hears us through the virus, cystic fibrosis, and everything else. I straight up asked God for a miracle. I think we both were thinking “yeah right” but we went with it.
We walked around for 45minutes and we were about to give up and then Josiah spotted them. Seriously! He grabbed them, we both were like WOW! The parking lot was huge, and we actually found them?! WHAT?!
I had us immediately stop and praise God. This led to a new conversation on the way back to the house. God cares! With everything going on in the world right now, He took the time to show us where Josiah’s glasses were.
God cares about the little things that we care about. Today was a reminder that we are not forgotten. Our doors are shut in quarantine, but our hearts are still open to receive His promises and His provision.
Thank you Daddy for showing up for my son on an abandoned parking lot today! Thank you for the reminder that you care about the little things in our life!