Be There

Be there. I cannot stress the importance of being there. Tonight some of our teenagers put on a practice performance for their families for an upcoming theater competition. It was amazing. My wife directed it and did an absolutely great job! I […]

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Be Relentless

This post is for somebody. This is one of those times when I get pumped to write because this is going to break someone’s chain of oppression and self doubt. Relentless. Look up that word. It speaks of being constant, insistent, and […]

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Proverbs 31. Yes Sir!

A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. Proverbs 31:10. Her name is Annie. I am in awe of this woman. She is my Queen and I am more of her jester than King! I remember listening […]

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Hold on Son!

Did you try it? Where you scared to do it? Did you venture into the unknown to accomplish it? My son Levi did! We were driving home a week or so ago from a family activity and we talked about the rodeo […]

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It’s the noise you hear that literally gives you nightmares. It wakes you up in the middle of sleep at 2am and causes you to jump out of bed. No matter how asleep I am, when my baby girl screams “Da-Da-Da!” in […]

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The Voices

ROBBIE, YOU CAN’T DO THAT! YOU AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH! YOU AREN’T QUALIFIED! YOU AREN’T READY! YOU MESSED UP! I’ve heard those voices before. I’ve heard people say them to me. I have also heard my own voice in my head repeat those […]

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Remember the Alamo in 2020

We took my dad to see the Alamo today. It made me think about the history of this great city of San Antonio. These brave men and women fought for what they believed in. They had people from all across the country […]

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100 People

I’m writing this standing in line at HEB. I saw this weeks edition of Time magazine and it caught my eye. The title says, “100 People that changed the World”. It sent my mind racing. What if… What if my name could […]

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The Waiting

On the last day of the retreat I sent the teens out to find a spot and have a conversation about waiting. Sometimes God chooses for us to wait before the answer comes in. But what makes the difference is what we […]

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