429 Times!

I did a word search on the word “fear” in the Bible. I thought it was really cool that “fear not” is listed 365 times! That’s one verse a day reminding us not to fear. There is nothing that our God can’t […]

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Investing in Legacies

I love the word: legacy. Webster Dictiobary says: Definition of legacy (Entry 1 of 2) 1: a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : BEQUEST 2: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the […]

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Searching By The Rocks

What are you looking for? Yesterday my daughter joined millions of 2yr olds looking for Easter eggs to fill in their basket. Her eggs contained candy and coins. I was seeing the eggs clearly out there by a tree (I did put […]

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Be A Lighthouse

Today has been a fun day. I helped several team members get setup to work remotely. Taught an art class during my lunch to my boys on how to draw lighthouses. Conducted an interview for someone to start working remotely. Then did […]

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Throwing Tacos for Teenagers!

What’s better than driving around all over San Antonio for two hours blasting “We Like To Party” in a van with your family with the windows rolled down in tiger and husky costumes? Having your own kids excited and making signs witnessing, […]

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You’re Going to Miss This

Yesterday was a little crazy.: We woke up and had 2min of coffee before all three kids got up asking for breakfast, baby shark on tv, and to get on the video game system. I spent all day at the kitchen table […]

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12yrs of Quarantining!

Imagine being in isolation, hurting, broke, and hidden for twelve years. And we think a month has been tough? “In the crowd that day there was a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with hemorrhages. She had spent every penny […]

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Reaching Out

What are you reaching for? We had a backyard combine for the boys at my brother in the laws house this weekend. One of the drills had them doing vertical jumps. The goal was to jump up and reach for a marker. […]

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God Cares About Us

Two days ago Josiah (my oldest) lost his glasses. I took the kids to an empty parking lot at the backside of Seaworld. Before security told us to leave, Josiah was having a blast on his razor. Levi was on his bike. […]

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Spilling Milk and Other Things

My boys love to pour their own drinks. Unfortunately, not all of the liquid gets in the cup. Some spills are worse than others. The ginger ale spill. My oldest loves ginger ale and he will grab a two liter in a […]

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