Ready for Another Testimony!
My wife got tested for the Coronavirus like so many others in the world today. She’s very sick and in bed as I type this. She went to sleep not feeling great and this morning woke up really hurting and had to […]
My wife got tested for the Coronavirus like so many others in the world today. She’s very sick and in bed as I type this. She went to sleep not feeling great and this morning woke up really hurting and had to get tested. The kids want to know why I won’t let them in our bedroom all day and dropping meals outside the door. I haven’t told them, but I’m sure Josiah will figure it out and we will cross that bridge if necessary.
Being completely transparent. Having two kids that fight terminal illnesses on the daily, I’m always aware of the “what if” when anyone around them sneezes or coughs. But this. This is different. This is one that Annie and I have been praying hard about. For six weeks we have been quarantined already to be safe for them. This is scary because now we are facing the idea on a different level. She is quarantined in our bedroom and I’m on daddy duty and watching myself and the kids for symptoms too.
When I get nervous and anxiety creeps in…I’m drawn to the Word.
“So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.”
Now that’s good. It’s better than good. God is raging war because so many of you are praying for our family. But while God rages war on our behalf for Annie, God is making her a new life on the inside! He’s breathing new life into her lungs as I type this.
So am I bummed? Yes. Am I nervous for Annie? Yes. Am I scared that cystic fibrosis is involved in this equation? Yes. Am I anxious for the test results? Yes.
But, keep asking more questions…
Do I know that God is good? Yes. Do I know His grace is sufficient? Yes. Is this another opportunity for God to reveal who He is to our kids, youth ministry, and to you? Yes. Will He heal Annie? Yes. Is God good? Yes!
Bottom line is this: pray. Pray for Annie tonight. God is going to breathe into Annie’s lungs new life tonight no matter what she has. Pray for protection for our kids. Whatever the test may reveal…His promises was written long ago.
Annie, God has you darlin and know I’m proud of you! You are the strongest and hottest wife, mother, teacher I know. You are normally the lighthouse for me and the kids, but tonight rest in Him and let Him refresh you! He’s got you.