Holding His Hand

Dad, I don’t want to do this. I know you don’t. Is there another way? There’s not son. Will you hold my hand? Always! Day 2 was filled with anxiety for Josiah. He did not want the picc line. He did not […]

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Don’t Water The Wrong Thoughts

”Don’t water the wrong thoughts.” I heard that this morning on a podcast. It wasn’t the main emphasis points or his sermon, but that thought had me shook! Josiah is getting admitted today. This is our fourth time. What am I doing […]

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Our God Is An Awesome God!

We serve an awesome God. No matter what our situation is, He is right there with us. I’ve been listening to the song “Awesome God” all day while working through payroll and timesheets for my team at work. The chorus anthem: Our […]

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Day 100

Today marks day 100 for my family for being quarantined. I’ve had a lot of thoughts both positive and negative on the status of our country and world. I know right now, I’m tired. I’m tired of driving by stores, friends houses, […]

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Daddy Loves You

Today I got to celebrate Fathers Day with my wife and kids. We honored social distancing and still had a blast at Mo Ranch. My goal today was not for them to honor me, but to honor them. I want my family […]

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Josiah Is Home!

That’s right! You read it correctly. Josiah is home tonight, sleeping soundly in his bunk bed with his younger brother Levi. God again, showed up in a powerful way. Let’s talk about family. I wish I would have recorded Josiah opening the […]

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Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.

I’m writing this specifically for my kids. My hope is that they will have my blog long after their dad is gone and they will always know their dads heart. My prayer is that not only will they know their dads heart […]

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This is Tough

You know those moments when it all makes sense. I had that on the way to the hospital today to see Josiah. I listen to Hope City podcast weekly and Jeremy Foster said something profound: Some of us want a hot pocket […]

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Thank You.

We are fighting a battle. The enemy has taken the form of #Cysticfibrosis and it’s nasty, it’s sneaky, it’s deadly, and it’s a lonely disease. It takes breaths away. It makes you count calories because there is never enough. It makes you […]

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Waving Through A Window

Yesterday I had Josiah turn off the electronics. I asked him to draw. Instead of drawing cars or super heroes, he drew what he saw from his window. He did a fantastic job and was very meticulous. I noticed him starring outside […]

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