Hacer210 has a Logo!

Poverty, trauma, and crisis are dream killers. Hacer210 exists to point people towards their dreams and to connect them with the support they need to accomplish those dreams. It is official. We have a logo and it’s exactly what we wanted! Our […]

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Pursuing Their Dreams

Annie and I worked on a sentence that summed up what Hacer210 is all about: “Equipping people to pursue their dreams” Poverty, trauma, and crisis are dream killers. Hacer210 exists to point people towards their dreams and to connect them with the […]

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What Does “Hacer” mean?

What does Hacer mean? It is a Spanish word that is translated to the English definition meaning: to do, make, bring, take on, create, render, give, and work (there are more examples, but I really love those!). The word, “Hacer” literally captures […]

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Get Busy Serving!

I can not contain my excitement for what God has already done and what He is going to do. We received the non profit status for Hacer210 in less than a month! That is amazing. I posted on social media yesterday and […]

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It’s Happening!

I am so excited! We have an opportunity to truly make a larger impact in our community moving forward than ever before. I remember a week before Grace was born, I was standing in my office overlooking the city of San Antonio […]

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Servant Leadership 101

“Cant get respect until your people know that you can sit in their chair and do what they do.” -Adam Arevalo Adam is one of the best managers I’ve ever worked with. Even better than that, he is one of the best […]

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My Hero: The Rock

Her name is Jessie, but I’ve been calling her “The Rock” for years. She was in our youth group throughout middle and high school and that was years ago. I named her “The Rock” at her first youth camp, because when the […]

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Untap Your Potential

I have spent the last 45minutes texting teenagers from our ministry reminding them that God is the same God he was two months ago. I have also been responding to my employees texts giving the same message and advising them on next […]

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Ripped Tortillas

Scars. We all have them. Some of us grew up in a divorced home. Some lost loved ones. Others got picked on because they looked different. Braces anyone?! Some got laid off instead of promoted. Some have teens in total rebellion. Some […]

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Ask For Help

I want to say thank you. I posted last night about our daughter Grace on social media. The nurses called her a princess warrior in the nicu and every day she proves it, even 2yrs later! Last night she had a fever, […]

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