You Are Important

You are chosen. Yes, you! You were handpicked. Out of all the millions of people in the world, God knows your name. He not only knows your name but He handpicked you for this time. You could have been born a hundred […]

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First Day Of School

“…GOD went ahead of them in a Pillar of Cloud during the day to guide them on the way, and at night in a Pillar of Fire to give them light; thus they could travel both day and night. The Pillar of […]

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You Will Be Found

After hosting a zoom youth group meeting tonight, I wanted to tell them it’s going to be ok. So much fear with high school starting online and freshman nervous about walking on to new campuses alone and distanced. One talked about college. […]

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What Are You Saying?

“Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.” Proverbs 18:21 MSG Think about some of the words that have been spoken to you. I have some memories that I will always cherish based on the conversations I have had. […]

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Legacies and Ponds

Some of my biggest leaders and influencers have always talked and preached about legacy. I have always thought that legacy was important but as I’ve gotten older it’s everything. Literally, I find myself talking to my kids, my youth group, and my […]

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Giant Killer

After David defeated Goliath, he didn’t walk away and give high fives or handshakes. He walked up to the defeated giant and cut off his head. Can you imagine the felt-boards at VBS? “So he ran and stood over the Philistine, grasped […]

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What’s Next?

Ever wonder if you are doing the right thing? Am I at the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time? It’s a tough question to ask when you are at a crossroads. We all say, pray about it, and […]

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Come Out Of That Grave!

What needs resurrection power in your world? I can tell you what needs to come out of my grave right now: My kids lungs. The chains of #cysticfibrosis need to be broken completely. I would give my lungs up for them to […]

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Thank You.

We are fighting a battle. The enemy has taken the form of #Cysticfibrosis and it’s nasty, it’s sneaky, it’s deadly, and it’s a lonely disease. It takes breaths away. It makes you count calories because there is never enough. It makes you […]

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Pride Will Cost You Everything

Pride. It’s seems that pride is one of the worst traps we can fall into. How many times has pride stolen positive outcomes from us? It can cost us everything: family, security, employment, and even our legacies. It also hurts our families […]

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