It’s the noise you hear that literally gives you nightmares. It wakes you up in the middle of sleep at 2am and causes you to jump out of bed. No matter how asleep I am, when my baby girl screams “Da-Da-Da!” in […]

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Bless God!

Psalm 34:1, “I bless GOD every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise.” Think about that statement from David and really dissect it: “I bless God every chance I get” Notice the word “every” in that statement. It doesn’t say […]

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Confidence at the Hospital

Let’s talk about confidence. Tonight Josiah and I talked about the hospital tomorrow. We will be getting up early tomorrow and headed to the hospital. He has to spend the majority of the day getting blood work done and xrays. He is […]

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Cystic Fibrosis and Thank You’s

Grace is continuing her fight against cystic fibrosis. It’s one that she will continue until the day her a thousands of people are cured. I appreciate your prayers for her and Josiah! You have no idea, and that’s the point of this […]

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