It’s the noise you hear that literally gives you nightmares. It wakes you up in the middle of sleep at 2am and causes you to jump out of bed. No matter how asleep I am, when my baby girl screams “Da-Da-Da!” in […]
It’s the noise you hear that literally gives you nightmares. It wakes you up in the middle of sleep at 2am and causes you to jump out of bed.
No matter how asleep I am, when my baby girl screams “Da-Da-Da!” in that high shrek-I’m-scared-or-hurt voice, I’m ready and could be an Olympic athlete in an instant to get to her.
I opened her door and there she was. Standing in her crib. Hair disheveled and snot on her cheeks. Her shirt was wet from crying. I ran in and picked her up still sobbing. I held her close to my chest and began to whisper in her ear. I repeatedly told her, “Daddy’s here. You are safe. Jesus is here.” By the fourth time I repeated those words, she was fast asleep with her head resting on my neck. I gently laid her down and got her snuggly in her flower blanket. Then I stayed for a few minutes, just to make sure she was ok. Eventually I left her room, and crawled back into my own bed. I saw it was 2:30am and I started to think about work and other stresses myself.
While I was attempting to drift off to sleep, I heard God telling me the same words I told Grace: “Daddy’s here. You are safe. Jesus is here.” The next morning I woke up refreshed and thought about it more. God has always came to my aid when I have I cried out for Him. In a much larger scale than when I run to help Grace when she cries out for me.
As parents feel for their children, GOD feels for those who fear him.
-Psalm 103:13
We have the Creator of the universe running to help us when we call out to Him…even in the middle of the night. Want to talk about feeling special?!! Let your Daddy help you today if you are in need.