Reaching Out

What are you reaching for? We had a backyard combine for the boys at my brother in the laws house this weekend. One of the drills had them doing vertical jumps. The goal was to jump up and reach for a marker. […]

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To Much News!

What are you logging into today? I found myself personally being oversaturated with cnn, fox, msnbc, etc. I wanted to know the latest but that has left me more worried than informed. I have moved to having coffee and the Today show […]

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Fight or Flight

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and […]

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Pizza, Dave Matthews, & Perspective

You need to make the best of it! Today I worked from our living room table, sitting on a folding chair. The company server was glitchy to say the least. My laptop froze multiple times. I listened to “Baby Shark” for 32 […]

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Dedicated to reYouth

Today I was able to get out into nature. That’s my happy place. It’s where I always hear from God. Today was no different. I take that back. Today was different. I mean really different. I learned my kids schools are closed. […]

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COVID-19, CF, & the Bible

Evidence has shown that people with underlying health conditions, including lung disease, seem to be at greater risk of serious illness from COVID-19. – I have been watching the news and reading updates from the CDC lately and been praying. I am […]

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Be Relentless

This post is for somebody. This is one of those times when I get pumped to write because this is going to break someone’s chain of oppression and self doubt. Relentless. Look up that word. It speaks of being constant, insistent, and […]

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Ask For Help

I want to say thank you. I posted last night about our daughter Grace on social media. The nurses called her a princess warrior in the nicu and every day she proves it, even 2yrs later! Last night she had a fever, […]

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Grace Turns 2!

Today we celebrated my baby girls second birthday. Every birthday with your kids is a gift. When I am recalling today’s events, I can’t help but we relive two years ago. Two years ago I was in the NICU and my wife […]

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He Got Accepted!

Every year for the past sixteen years we have hosted a super bowl party. We’ve had 100+ middle school kids running around a building with no volunteers, a buffalo wing eating competition during half time that involved puking, or even hosting at […]

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