Reaching Out
What are you reaching for? We had a backyard combine for the boys at my brother in the laws house this weekend. One of the drills had them doing vertical jumps. The goal was to jump up and reach for a marker. […]
What are you reaching for? We had a backyard combine for the boys at my brother in the laws house this weekend. One of the drills had them doing vertical jumps. The goal was to jump up and reach for a marker. It was awesome! We are all quarantining and it was a boost for everyone.
This had me thinking about our current situation. What are you reaching for right now? What are you reaching for to fight fear? Layoffs are real. Food shortages are real. Economic collapse is a real possibility and some serious saying it is happening now. Politicians are fighting and giving mixed messages. Employees are scared. Kids are bored, scared, and depressed. Isolation, anxiety, and loneliness are all beginning to set in.
I can tell you what I’m reaching for. God. I have moments of fear but I’m not letting it drive my spirit. I think about my kids cystic fibrosis and how will this effect them if we get infected. I get nervous when I log in online at work that I will face a lay-off notice. I wonder about my wife’s future as a teacher next year. My parents are states away and if something happened to them there is noting I can do. I want to be my kids hero during the uncertainty. I miss meeting my youth group and worry about them and their safety. I think it’s natural to be fearful. But I’m not reaching for the cup of fear! Fear is natural but I’m reaching for the supernatural!
I’m reaching for God. Those thoughts may enter my mind but I’m not letting them take root in my spirit. God has a plan and this is not the final chapter. It’s a daily battle, but God is winning!
“Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help; I’m fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me?”
God hasn’t let us down. He hasn’t walked off. He hasn’t left us. He is here. I repeat for my own spirit to read it…HE IS HERE. That alone should get us excited!
I’ve never paid attention to the last part of the verse before, “Who or what can get me?”. I don’t believe that this refers to the physical, although that would make it easier! But it is referring to our spiritual self. Also it says to be “relaxed”. No matter what’s happening all around us, God wants to give us peace.
So while the social distancing and quarantine sets in…evaluate what you are reaching for to get you through this time period. God is here waiting to help you today despite the infection, material shortages, loneliness, layoffs, and fear. God is in the struggle! Reach out to Him, and let Him drive today.
If you are struggling I want to pray for you. God right now I lift up the reader to you. I pray that you will shout out louder and overtake the enemies whispers of fear. God continue to give us peace and break the strongholds that are holding us back. You are faithful and give new mercies daily. May we all feel your presence today in a way that brings us peace despite the unstableness in our lives. Let this be a time of revival in the midst of chaos. Amen.
Reach out to someone today. Don’t go through this alone!