Reaching Out

What are you reaching for? We had a backyard combine for the boys at my brother in the laws house this weekend. One of the drills had them doing vertical jumps. The goal was to jump up and reach for a marker. […]

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Remember The Alamo!

We drove through downtown San Antonio, TX this afternoon. I’ve lived here for 14 years and I have never seen anything like it. Maybe a dozen people walking around in a city of over a million. We felt so alone. I took […]

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Jesus, please wake up!

One of my favorite stories in the Bible was when the disciples were in a boat freaking out about the waves crashing over them and Jesus was snoring (Mark 4:35-41). In fact He was at the bottom of the boat with His […]

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Be There

Be there. I cannot stress the importance of being there. Tonight some of our teenagers put on a practice performance for their families for an upcoming theater competition. It was amazing. My wife directed it and did an absolutely great job! I […]

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God and Netflex

I really left youth so pumped and inspired last night. It was one of those lessons where I could see the teens getting it. I stressed that they go home and re-read the chapter and have more conversations with God. To often […]

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Ripped Tortillas

Scars. We all have them. Some of us grew up in a divorced home. Some lost loved ones. Others got picked on because they looked different. Braces anyone?! Some got laid off instead of promoted. Some have teens in total rebellion. Some […]

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