You Will Be Found

After hosting a zoom youth group meeting tonight, I wanted to tell them it’s going to be ok. So much fear with high school starting online and freshman nervous about walking on to new campuses alone and distanced. One talked about college. […]

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Help my Fear and my If’s

“A man out of the crowd answered, “Teacher, I brought my mute son, made speechless by a demon, to you. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, grinds his teeth, and goes stiff as […]

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Move Mountain

“Early the next morning Jesus was returning to the city. He was hungry. Seeing a lone fig tree alongside the road, he approached it anticipating a breakfast of figs. When he got to the tree, there was nothing but fig leaves. He […]

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He is There

“God’s silence is not equivalent to God’s absence. The divine glory was on the mountain with Moses every one of those six days before Moses heard anything. Time spent in worship as you wait on God is never wasted. But as you […]

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““Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.” John 14:1 AMP This seems to be the perfect […]

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Thank You.

We are fighting a battle. The enemy has taken the form of #Cysticfibrosis and it’s nasty, it’s sneaky, it’s deadly, and it’s a lonely disease. It takes breaths away. It makes you count calories because there is never enough. It makes you […]

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George Floyd, America, and Me

They asked Jesus what makes a good neighbor. Jesus responded by telling a parable that is all too real for a week that our nation has been ripped apart by a pandemic and now torn apart by racism, again.  The story unfolds […]

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Burn the Plow!

“He made a fire with the plow and tackle and then boiled the meat—a true farewell meal for the family. Then he left and followed Elijah, becoming his right-hand man.” 1 Kings 19:21 MSG I never realized this story before. I was […]

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Wake Up!

What’s normal? I keep hearing the “new normal” on social media, on the news, and I have said it myself. But what if God isn’t in the normal. Look in the Bible. Find me a normal story?! When God wants our attention, […]

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Searching By The Rocks

What are you looking for? Yesterday my daughter joined millions of 2yr olds looking for Easter eggs to fill in their basket. Her eggs contained candy and coins. I was seeing the eggs clearly out there by a tree (I did put […]

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