Fish, Theater, & Offerings

At reYouth this past week I preached on the story of the teen that gave his lunch up when the disciples asked the crowd of 5,000+. It was a long hot day and the crowd that had been following Jesus were getting […]

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Be There

Be there. I cannot stress the importance of being there. Tonight some of our teenagers put on a practice performance for their families for an upcoming theater competition. It was amazing. My wife directed it and did an absolutely great job! I […]

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God and Netflex

I really left youth so pumped and inspired last night. It was one of those lessons where I could see the teens getting it. I stressed that they go home and re-read the chapter and have more conversations with God. To often […]

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Ripped Tortillas

Scars. We all have them. Some of us grew up in a divorced home. Some lost loved ones. Others got picked on because they looked different. Braces anyone?! Some got laid off instead of promoted. Some have teens in total rebellion. Some […]

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Help Others Immediately

“So reach out and welcome one another to God’s glory. Jesus did it; now you do it! Jesus, staying true to God’s purposes, reached out in a special way to the Jewish insiders so that the old ancestral promises would come true […]

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Be Relentless

This post is for somebody. This is one of those times when I get pumped to write because this is going to break someone’s chain of oppression and self doubt. Relentless. Look up that word. It speaks of being constant, insistent, and […]

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Ask For Help

I want to say thank you. I posted last night about our daughter Grace on social media. The nurses called her a princess warrior in the nicu and every day she proves it, even 2yrs later! Last night she had a fever, […]

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The Harvest

I grew up riding the tractor with my grandaddy. If it wasn’t raining there was a very high percentage chance you could find me riding with him starring at the rows and rows of dirt. Something about watching the seeds being planted […]

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Grace Turns 2!

Today we celebrated my baby girls second birthday. Every birthday with your kids is a gift. When I am recalling today’s events, I can’t help but we relive two years ago. Two years ago I was in the NICU and my wife […]

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