Fish, Theater, & Offerings
At reYouth this past week I preached on the story of the teen that gave his lunch up when the disciples asked the crowd of 5,000+. It was a long hot day and the crowd that had been following Jesus were getting […]
At reYouth this past week I preached on the story of the teen that gave his lunch up when the disciples asked the crowd of 5,000+. It was a long hot day and the crowd that had been following Jesus were getting hungry and restless. The disciples got worried and asked Jesus to send the crowd home. I’m sure they were panicking! Jesus sent them out, and the only thing they could find was a teenager and his lunchbox that contained two fish and loaves of bread!
The disciples were shouting amongst the crowd looking for traces of food. Then one skinny hand in the very back of the crowd was raised into the air holding a lunch pail in the air. “I have some” shouted back a young teen with his knees trembling. The crowd made an opening so the disciples could make their way towards the boy. The teen gave his lunch up to them and Jesus blessed it! He then sent the disciples out to distribute the fish and loaves that the boy brought. It was crazy because every time they reached in for more food in the lunch pails, some appeared. The entire crowd finished their buffet with tons of food left over! I just gave the Robbie translation but feel free to read the NIV!
I compared the teen giving his lunch pail to the disciples and Jesus to our youth group. It took major guts and selflessness to do that, to give up your treasured items to God. We had members of the Theater department from Holmes at reYouth and I asked if they were ready for the UIL competition the next day. I reminded them that being on stage the next day was an opportunity to share their faith by bringing their “A” game..Their acting could be their lunch pail! We prayed over the production that God would honor their gift of theater the next day!
What is in your lunch pail? The boy had fish in the Bible. The theater kids had their drama production in their lunch pails. What is in your lunch pail to offer to God right now? Are you willing to raise your hand and tell God, “I can help, here is my offering”. No gift is to small for God.
By the way…Annie and the Holmes Theater department advanced. Very proud of our teens, our family!