Get Busy Serving!

I can not contain my excitement for what God has already done and what He is going to do. We received the non profit status for Hacer210 in less than a month! That is amazing. I posted on social media yesterday and […]

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Coronavirus Prison

I know you are thinking it. “I’m bored.” “I am ready to get out.” “Why is this happening?”. While you are feeling sorry for yourself I want you to reflect on Paul for a minute. The majority of us are staying at […]

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Wake Up!

What’s normal? I keep hearing the “new normal” on social media, on the news, and I have said it myself. But what if God isn’t in the normal. Look in the Bible. Find me a normal story?! When God wants our attention, […]

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Flowers & Negative Results

Miracle after miracle. Did you know two years ago today Grace was home from the NICU and I showed her, her first flower. Her eyes were lit like Fourth of July. Then fast forward it to today and she helped me plant […]

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It’s About Others

To often we make it about us. I this. Me that. We focus on us. We want everyone to hear about us. Paul doesn’t do that. He opens up his letter from a Roman jail cell acknowledging who he was talking too. […]

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10ft Teddy Bear Standing In My Bedroom!

We are all dealing with fear. If you spend more than 10min watching the news, getting update notifications on the phone, or scrolling through social media…you might be planting the seeds for anxiety to attack! Right now I’m treading through it myself. […]

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Living On Romans 12:11-13

Two things happened today. 1. You showed up. 2. We showed up. “Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive […]

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Ready for Another Testimony!

My wife got tested for the Coronavirus like so many others in the world today. She’s very sick and in bed as I type this. She went to sleep not feeling great and this morning woke up really hurting and had to […]

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5 Weeks, But Who Is Counting?

How is quarantine doing for you? Are you staying busy? Have you binged watched Netflix, Prime, and Disney+ yet? Do you know every song from Daniel Tiger and all the versions of Baby Shark? How are the algebra and GT assignments going? […]

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It’s All About Faith

We are facing an enemy that we can’t see. For me, I want to see what’s ahead of me. I want to see behind, above, and below! I want to know what’s happening. I don’t like being caught by surprise, at least […]

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