He is There

“God’s silence is not equivalent to God’s absence. The divine glory was on the mountain with Moses every one of those six days before Moses heard anything. Time spent in worship as you wait on God is never wasted. But as you […]

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Wake Up Your Body & Soul

Wake up from your sleep, Climb out of your coffins; Christ will show you the light! So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!” Ephesians 5:14-16 MSG I love coffee. I […]

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God, I have to Focus

God, I have to focus. The news is filled with sickness, debates, and hatred. Everyone seems politically charged. They are scared. They are hurt. They are looking for someone or something to blame. God, I have to focus. We have been so […]

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Ribs from Saturday

I shared this with my youth group tonight on zoom and it led to a great discussion. Hopefully it’ll get you thinking the way it had us thinking! Annie made incredible ribs this past Saturday. I mean, she makes the best ribs […]

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““Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.” John 14:1 AMP This seems to be the perfect […]

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Daddy Loves You

Today I got to celebrate Fathers Day with my wife and kids. We honored social distancing and still had a blast at Mo Ranch. My goal today was not for them to honor me, but to honor them. I want my family […]

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Josiah Is Home!

That’s right! You read it correctly. Josiah is home tonight, sleeping soundly in his bunk bed with his younger brother Levi. God again, showed up in a powerful way. Let’s talk about family. I wish I would have recorded Josiah opening the […]

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This is Tough

You know those moments when it all makes sense. I had that on the way to the hospital today to see Josiah. I listen to Hope City podcast weekly and Jeremy Foster said something profound: Some of us want a hot pocket […]

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Thank You.

We are fighting a battle. The enemy has taken the form of #Cysticfibrosis and it’s nasty, it’s sneaky, it’s deadly, and it’s a lonely disease. It takes breaths away. It makes you count calories because there is never enough. It makes you […]

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Waving Through A Window

Yesterday I had Josiah turn off the electronics. I asked him to draw. Instead of drawing cars or super heroes, he drew what he saw from his window. He did a fantastic job and was very meticulous. I noticed him starring outside […]

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