Proverbs 31. Yes Sir!

A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. Proverbs 31:10. Her name is Annie. I am in awe of this woman. She is my Queen and I am more of her jester than King! I remember listening […]

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I am Mephibosheth

I want to be more heart and less attack. I’m listening to this song on repeat at Starbucks this morning and trying to keep it together as I type this. God is so speaking to me this morning. I want to shout […]

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Ready. Set. Go.

Let’s talk potential. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Philippians 4:13 Whatever I have… You could have a little or you could have a lot. There is […]

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Fresh Revelation!

How crazy would it be to show up to work wearing your 5th grade attire? For me it would be a pair of black and green umbros and a white Air Jordan t-shirt. Plus my two tone LA Gear sneakers. Back in […]

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Daddy Day!

Today I had the honor of having a daddy day with my lil’ Grace. We did two breathing treatments, balloon fights, rode a train, fed some ducks, had lunch, and she was by my side while I preached. Her new thing is […]

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He Got Accepted!

Every year for the past sixteen years we have hosted a super bowl party. We’ve had 100+ middle school kids running around a building with no volunteers, a buffalo wing eating competition during half time that involved puking, or even hosting at […]

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It’s the noise you hear that literally gives you nightmares. It wakes you up in the middle of sleep at 2am and causes you to jump out of bed. No matter how asleep I am, when my baby girl screams “Da-Da-Da!” in […]

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Bless God!

Psalm 34:1, “I bless GOD every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise.” Think about that statement from David and really dissect it: “I bless God every chance I get” Notice the word “every” in that statement. It doesn’t say […]

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70,000 Thoughts A Day!

What are your thoughts filled with? I was listening to a podcast this morning and it really has me thinking. The pastor (Jeremy Foster) said we think about 70,000 thoughts any given day. I was like…what? So I did my research…I googled […]

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Today was a day that shook our world. Millions of people took to their phones and televisions because of the rumors of Kobe Bryant passing. I was one of them. Sending so many prayers to all the survivors families, especially the kids […]

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