Need Some Peace Today?

I woke up to a tiny buzzing in my ear. If you have kids in the house you have probably done the same thing at least once this summer. I rolled over and as soon as I was about to fall asleep […]

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Giant Killer

After David defeated Goliath, he didn’t walk away and give high fives or handshakes. He walked up to the defeated giant and cut off his head. Can you imagine the felt-boards at VBS? “So he ran and stood over the Philistine, grasped […]

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Move Mountain

“Early the next morning Jesus was returning to the city. He was hungry. Seeing a lone fig tree alongside the road, he approached it anticipating a breakfast of figs. When he got to the tree, there was nothing but fig leaves. He […]

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He is There

“God’s silence is not equivalent to God’s absence. The divine glory was on the mountain with Moses every one of those six days before Moses heard anything. Time spent in worship as you wait on God is never wasted. But as you […]

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I Am Waiting

I’ve got vivid memories of my Grandaddy farming his fields. I remember riding the tractor with him when he would plant the seeds. His tractors would make a row and plant a seed, day in and day out. Weeks later we would […]

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Wake Up Your Body & Soul

Wake up from your sleep, Climb out of your coffins; Christ will show you the light! So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!” Ephesians 5:14-16 MSG I love coffee. I […]

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God, I have to Focus

God, I have to focus. The news is filled with sickness, debates, and hatred. Everyone seems politically charged. They are scared. They are hurt. They are looking for someone or something to blame. God, I have to focus. We have been so […]

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What’s Next?

Ever wonder if you are doing the right thing? Am I at the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time? It’s a tough question to ask when you are at a crossroads. We all say, pray about it, and […]

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Getting It

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:18 I want this! I want to know His grace and knowledge. As a theology major […]

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Day 100

Today marks day 100 for my family for being quarantined. I’ve had a lot of thoughts both positive and negative on the status of our country and world. I know right now, I’m tired. I’m tired of driving by stores, friends houses, […]

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