You’re Going to Miss This

Yesterday was a little crazy.: We woke up and had 2min of coffee before all three kids got up asking for breakfast, baby shark on tv, and to get on the video game system. I spent all day at the kitchen table […]

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“You give me joy that’s unspeakable And I like it, and I like it, yeah Your love for me is irresistible I can’t fight it, I can’t fight it, yeah You carried the cross and took my shame I believe it, I […]

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12yrs of Quarantining!

Imagine being in isolation, hurting, broke, and hidden for twelve years. And we think a month has been tough? “In the crowd that day there was a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with hemorrhages. She had spent every penny […]

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Reaching Out

What are you reaching for? We had a backyard combine for the boys at my brother in the laws house this weekend. One of the drills had them doing vertical jumps. The goal was to jump up and reach for a marker. […]

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God Cares About Us

Two days ago Josiah (my oldest) lost his glasses. I took the kids to an empty parking lot at the backside of Seaworld. Before security told us to leave, Josiah was having a blast on his razor. Levi was on his bike. […]

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Remember The Alamo!

We drove through downtown San Antonio, TX this afternoon. I’ve lived here for 14 years and I have never seen anything like it. Maybe a dozen people walking around in a city of over a million. We felt so alone. I took […]

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He Is For You

Take a moment and watch this incredible song by Kari Jobe & Elevation Worship entitled “The Blessing” The Lord bless you and keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His face toward you […]

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Keep Walking!

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through […]

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To Much News!

What are you logging into today? I found myself personally being oversaturated with cnn, fox, msnbc, etc. I wanted to know the latest but that has left me more worried than informed. I have moved to having coffee and the Today show […]

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Listen To Our Hearts

I had a great conversation with some of my friends through text today. They are always good for a laugh, but they are always there through the tough times as well. We were discussing the state of things and Jonathan Crane pointed […]

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