Message to Daddies

A message to all the daddies with little girls out there. When was the last time you had a daddy day with your princess? Do you hold her hand with walks and talk to her about life? Do you remind her that […]

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Paradise, Coldplay, & Dreams

What is your dream and what are you doing to make it happen? I believe Coldplay’s song, “Paradise” captures that thought…. When she was just a girl she expected the world But it flew away from her reach So she ran away […]

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Club ‘56 and M&M’s

Years ago I helped to lead Club’56. It was a youth ministry we created for fifth and sixth graders. That was one of the most fun ministry seasons ever. We had a run down, gutted out trailer that was overflowing with kids […]

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George Floyd, America, and Me

They asked Jesus what makes a good neighbor. Jesus responded by telling a parable that is all too real for a week that our nation has been ripped apart by a pandemic and now torn apart by racism, again.  The story unfolds […]

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Pray For Grace

Goliath is coming over the mountain again. He’s staring at us. I hear his voice and I can feel his eyes starring. I can feel his shadow. But I look down and I see my pebbles in my hand. These pebbles represent […]

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A Million Dreams

I still remember three years ago my wife and I went to see “The Greatest Showman”. It was a game changer in our ministry and marriage. We held hands and I cried the entire time and I left so inspired. I felt […]

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Get Your Shovels!

“He then said, “ GOD ’s word: Dig ditches all over this valley. Here’s what will happen—you won’t hear the wind, you won’t see the rain, but this valley is going to fill up with water and your army and your animals […]

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Burn the Plow!

“He made a fire with the plow and tackle and then boiled the meat—a true farewell meal for the family. Then he left and followed Elijah, becoming his right-hand man.” 1 Kings 19:21 MSG I never realized this story before. I was […]

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Testimony Time!

We asked our outreach youth group to send testimonials if we have helped them to dream bigger. We wanted to share our “why” to cooperations and businesses for Hacer210 Dream Donations. We want people to hear first hand what it means when […]

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Hacer210 has a Logo!

Poverty, trauma, and crisis are dream killers. Hacer210 exists to point people towards their dreams and to connect them with the support they need to accomplish those dreams. It is official. We have a logo and it’s exactly what we wanted! Our […]

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