5.9 Million Children
Here are staggering facts from 2017: A child was born into poverty every 41 seconds. Over 12.8 million children in America were living in poverty. 5.9 million children lived in extreme poverty (meaning annual household income for four was at or under […]
Here are staggering facts from 2017:
A child was born into poverty every 41 seconds.
Over 12.8 million children in America were living in poverty.
5.9 million children lived in extreme poverty (meaning annual household income for four was at or under $12,547).
Texas had 20.9% of its’ children living in poverty.
Those are some stats that cannot be ignored. Isaiah 58:7 says, “What I’m interested in seeing you do is: sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families.“
My wife and I make a priority to help low income students and we are raising our kids to do the same. These numbers keep me awake at night when I think about kids and teenagers.
I am not telling you to change your lifestyle or sell all of your possessions, but I am asking you to pray about it. Have a family meeting with your significant other and your kids. Discuss what your family can do this Christmas to help a child. It might mean one less stop at Starbucks or one less video game under the tree, but imagine the impact you could make. Speak life to your neighbors. Dare to dream and live the vision that you were called to live.
*children is the age given from 0-17
*stats were taken from www.childrensdefense.org