Blog post

Confidence…Part II

Today was spent in the hospital and we got through it. Josiah crushed it and got all of his blood work done. As we were sitting in the waiting room, I re-read the story of David whooping Goliath. Read it again and […]

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Confidence at the Hospital

Let’s talk about confidence. Tonight Josiah and I talked about the hospital tomorrow. We will be getting up early tomorrow and headed to the hospital. He has to spend the majority of the day getting blood work done and xrays. He is […]

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Follow Through

Ever had a boss tell you to do one thing and then they do not do it themselves? That’s so frustrating right? Don’t answer that out loud, just nod your head…ok I see you! How about trusting leaders not following through with […]

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Need Direction?

I know that if I drive in the eastern direction, I’ll eventually get to the east coast. Maybe. There would be obstacles that would make me go north or south on the journey. I might even have to double back a couple […]

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The Voices

ROBBIE, YOU CAN’T DO THAT! YOU AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH! YOU AREN’T QUALIFIED! YOU AREN’T READY! YOU MESSED UP! I’ve heard those voices before. I’ve heard people say them to me. I have also heard my own voice in my head repeat those […]

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Waiting To See

We are sitting in the Cystic Fibrosis clinic with My son Josiah. He’s waiting for his monthly check up to get pricked, weighed, prodded, poked, counseled, admitted/non admittance talks, and who knows what else?! I’m waiting to hold his hand and remind […]

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What A Beautiful Loan

Tobymac has lost his son and wrote a song about it. I can’t imagine going through the loss of a son or daughter and I have friends who have. They are some of the strongest folks I know. I saw the video […]

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With Everything 2.0

For a parent of a fighter of Cystic Fibrosis, it is a roller coaster of emotions. Today was no different. Last night I wrote a blog post that talked about trusting God through everything, based on the song “With Everything” by Hillsong […]

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With Everything!

It’s easy to say that you will serve God with everything when the bonus is in hand. It’s easy when all the kids are healthy and sleeping through the night. It’s easy when there is no repairs to be made and you […]

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How About Our Texans?

What a huge win for our Texans. They came back and beat the Buffalo Bills in the division wildcard for the opportunity to take a giant leap forward in the playoffs. But that’s not the only win that happened. Last night our […]

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