Be Relentless
This post is for somebody. This is one of those times when I get pumped to write because this is going to break someone’s chain of oppression and self doubt. Relentless. Look up that word. It speaks of being constant, insistent, and […]
This post is for somebody. This is one of those times when I get pumped to write because this is going to break someone’s chain of oppression and self doubt.
Relentless. Look up that word. It speaks of being constant, insistent, and inflexible.
His love is relentless. To quote Hillsong United mega worship song: Relentless.
Tearing through the veil of darkness
Breaking every chain, You set us free
Fighting for the furthest heart You gave
Your life (Your love is relentless)
You carry us, carry us (Your love is relentless)
A lot of us have experienced that relentless love. But this the part that I want you to get. If you have experienced it, how can you sit and watch others that are trying to experience life through a veil of darkness? If Christ is fighting for the furthest heart, shouldn’t we do the same?
They need hope, just like you did and just like you do!
I prayed that today on the way to the office, that I could be relentless. It sure didn’t take long for that to happen.
As soon as I got to work I asked an employee how her morning was going and she began to talk about her dads’ failing health and her hopelessness through it. I was able to talk about peace. Later on someone failed a metric on their scorecard and I got to remind them they are more than any metric. During lunch I got a chance to share hope to the cafeteria lady that broke her arm and was working through it. I helped a new hire who was having a mini panic attack, scared she was not going to measure up. I asked them who where they were trying to measure up too? I got home and gave my baby girl a breathing treatment and held her tight whispering a song of praise while she cried coughing. My middle son messed up on a card that he was making for me and I talked to him about imperfections make it more special. My oldest and I talked about a great cure idea for cystic fibrosis and until then he has an incredible mission to reach doctors and nurses with his faith. My wife and I spent time eating burgers and watching survivor episodes with a teen at our house who doesn’t know what security and peace in the home looks like. Then I got to talk to him about trusting God for scholarships and grants for his dream university while driving him home. A few moments ago, I was feeling I had to write this immediately and not wait for the morning even though the bed is calling my name. Be relentless Robbie I told myself.
God gave me these opportunities but I had so many more chances to be relentless. I could have done so much more. Was I relentless? Maybe. I feel like I could have done more though. His love is relentless, so we should be relentless for people to know Him to feel that relentlessness. That’s how we can be relentless!
Review your day so far. Were you relentless? If not, get going now. Ask God to show you people through His eyes. Get ready though, you are about to be busy but it’s so worth it.
Like I mentioned earlier, I had to write this one out now for someone. If this struck a chord with you, be relentless. This is just a reminder. You’ve already been thinking it. Put actions behind it. Remember, they need you to be relentless in your faith today!