Waving Through A Window

Yesterday I had Josiah turn off the electronics. I asked him to draw. Instead of drawing cars or super heroes, he drew what he saw from his window. He did a fantastic job and was very meticulous. I noticed him starring outside for long periods of time with his pen in hand. I asked if him he was ok, and he assured me he was ok and just thinking about being outside. I immediately felt bad for him. He’s hooked up to a machine again, and watching people walk around outside while he’s in isolation doing battle against a deadly disease. He’s winning though, nothing but good reports!

I began to sing “Waiving through a window” from the “Evan Hansen” musical in my mind. The lyrics matched where he is right now:

On the outside, always looking in

Will I ever be more than I’ve always been?

‘Cause I’m tap, tap, tapping on the glass

I’m waving through a window

I try to speak, but nobody can hear

So I wait around for an answer to appear

While I’m watch, watch, watching people pass

I’m waving through a window, oh

Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?

How many times are we tapping on the glass figuratively wanting people to see us? We try to get people to understand us, but we don’t and we wonder if they ever will. This is something that I believe no one truly grows out off. Sure, some of us hide it better than others, but we all want to count…to measure up…to be known.

Are you tapping on the glass and waiting for people to notice you? God notices you. While you are tapping on the glass trying to get their attention, God is standing behind you…tapping on your shoulder to get your attention!


Thank You.

June 14, 2020