Lifting Your Arms Up

Look for the moments. Moses and the Israelites were in a fight for their lives. The battle raged for hours and Moses realized that if his hands were raised toward heaven, they would start winning. When his arms dropped with exhaustion, they began to lose the battle. So he had his closest friends hold each arm up when he could not do it alone. Eventually, they won the battle! Exodus 17:10-13 MSG

As you continue to walk through the Covid, quarantine, work, and anxiety battles…keep your arms raised up in worship to God. He will help you get through this like He did for Moses. You aren’t alone. Look around you and see your blessings. Let those blessings help to raise your arms.

Yesterday Grace did that for me. She helped raise my arms without even knowing it. We went to the first ever drive through at the San Antonio zoo today. It was a long 2hr wait in the car, but that’s ok. During the last hour, Grace wanted to sit in my lap and give me hugs while we waited in line. She squeezed me and whispered, “I love you daddy”. Done…I was ready to fight my battle for another three hours!

I got home and touched base with my old high school buddies through a text message. Nothing spiritual or life moving but just a simple memory and laugh. My arms got raised up again for a bit.

I took a walk and listened to a podcast on Christian leadership principles followed up with Elevation worship. I was huffing and puffing but got so excited in my spirit. My arms got raised again!

You may not have a burning bush moment today or tomorrow, but don’t take it for granted when He gives you opportunities to raise your arms.

How can you be the person to help left someone hands today? If you are being lifted up, help someone lift their arms as well!

Be Unique

May 5, 2020

Be An Influencer

May 7, 2020