Pizza, Dave Matthews, & Perspective
You need to make the best of it! Today I worked from our living room table, sitting on a folding chair. The company server was glitchy to say the least. My laptop froze multiple times. I listened to “Baby Shark” for 32 times while my daughter laughed at me doing the motions…32 times. The boys yelled about who was scoring on who for a solid hour on the PS4. My conference call got interrupted by someone at the door. My wife dealt with her own employer waiting for decisions about the rest of the school closings and openings. It was a long day!
But that is ok. God has given me a gift! I got to sing and dance 32 times with my beautiful daughter. I’ve prayed for patience and God is teaching it to me on this laptop and server. I got the opportunity to speak life to my boys about sportsmanship, when playing Madden. But the best part, I am going to sleep in a house with two CF kids that are breathing great, all things considering and a third that told me today “was the greatest”.
I am making the best of it. Tonight we turned our living room into “Bridges Brothers Pizzeria”. We turned our living room into little Italy! My wife taught them about fractions earlier in the day, so naturally they made pizza complete with toppings and menus! I strung up the lights all over and helped the littlest to take orders for my in-law families. It even included a rap/dance performance!
Dave Matthews Band said it best in the song, “Best of What’s Around”:
See you and me
Have a better time than most can dream
Have it better than the best
So we can pull on through
Whatever tears at us
Whatever holds us down
And if nothing can be done
We’ll make the best of what’s around
Keep everything in perspective. Trust in God. Look for ways to make others smile. When you turn on CNN, get the updates and then listen to worship, play with the kids, kiss your significant other, take a walk, create a pizzeria…make the best of what’s around! We will get through this.