Cystic Fibrosis and Thank You’s
Grace is continuing her fight against cystic fibrosis. It’s one that she will continue until the day her a thousands of people are cured. I appreciate your prayers for her and Josiah! You have no idea, and that’s the point of this post.
The latest meds they have her on is Cayston. She is not a fan of it all! But we found that if we encourage her during these treatments she smiles and laughs. The moment that we do not, she shuts down and cries.
We all need encouragement. I remember when Josiah was first diagnosed with CF. We had so many family, friends, and prayer warriors across the country to join us and help walk us through the diagnosis. We needed the encouragement! It was life giving.
There was one person that stood out and she still does! Tiffany Adkins. She gave solid advice and really encouraged my wife and I. We heard nothing but doom and gloom from google (they say never search a disease, let alone TERMINAL disease…but we did…smh) while researching in the NICU. She told us to stop! She gave us real education since she was a grown lady that had been and still does continue to battle her own CF on the daily!
The point is, she was going through it and decided to take five minutes to help us go through it. Eleven years later her posts, encouragement, and outlook still inspire me. When we have had to do our two/three week “tune ups” at Santa Rosa she has always been there with a quick Facebook shout out or message. This past time we even talked about ways to encourage and motivate Josiah.
When you see someone struggling, take the five minutes to let them know they aren’t alone. You don’t have to be the expert. You don’t have to be best friends. Just letting them know that they will get through it will make a huge difference.
Challenge for today!
Reach out to at least five people today. Thank them for the encouragement this year. Let the Tiffany’s of your world know that they really helped! Then be the Tiffany’s of the world and encourage at least one person today.