What’s In Your Blender?
The other day I got Levi a milkshake. He loved the idea about it, but when I handed it to him…he wasn’t a fan. He decided he needed a spoon and declared that he was more of a ice cream man.
That got my spirit thinking about blenders. You can take pretty much anything into a blender and drink it. There are hundreds of infomercials on TV at 1am that will sell you blenders to make thousands of different drinks based on what you put in them!
No matter what you put into the blender it’s going to pour out the same ingredients, just mushed up. Healthy folks will put solid vegetables in it and it will come out as liquid vegetables. Strawberry ice cream and frozen strawberries will make a great strawberry milkshake after a blender mix…but it’s liquified ice cream and frozen fruit.
So what are you drinking out of your blender (spirit) today? Think about your actions from last night. What were the ingredients that you put into your spirit last night? Did you wake up with peace this morning based on what you did last night?
We can’t expect to know the Father if we don’t spend time with him. That means reading scripture, prayer, fellowship, podcasts, blogs, books, etc. Put those in your “blender” spiritually and you will begin to see God in a different way and your life will begin to be different. I cannot promise that life will become easier, but I can guarantee that there will be a peace that will begin to grow.
What are you filling your cup with today? What type of ingredients are you putting into the your blender?