Our God Is An Awesome God!
We serve an awesome God. No matter what our situation is, He is right there with us. I’ve been listening to the song “Awesome God” all day while working through payroll and timesheets for my team at work.
The chorus anthem:
Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from Heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an awesome God
If you are going through it, know that God is going through it with you. He wants to lead the way if you’ll let Him. Give Him the opportunity to show you how truly awesome He is. Begin to think about how fortunate you are and talk to Him about it. Listen and watch the link I posted below and spend 5min just thanking Him. Regardless of how your day was, invest in spending time with your Daddy.
God I thank you for being an awesome God. Time and time again, you show me how awesome you are. Thank you God for not just creating me, but for breathing life into my spirit. You are the reason I am who I am. You give me opportunities to speak to youth and lead outreaches. You’ve given me a job so that I can provide for our family. You’ve given me the opportunity to be a husband and a father. Hacer210 was created based on reYouth principles of speaking life and you made that happen. God, each day my kids breathe despite being born with a terminal disease. Despite my fears, my insecurities, and my hang-ups…you still love me and want to spend time with me. God, you truly are an awesome God. I don’t deserve your love, forgiveness, or friendship…you truly are an awesome God. Amen.