Giant Killer
After David defeated Goliath, he didn’t walk away and give high fives or handshakes. He walked up to the defeated giant and cut off his head. Can you imagine the felt-boards at VBS?
“So he ran and stood over the Philistine, grasped his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their [mighty] champion was dead, they fled.”
1 Samuel 17:51 AMP
Why did David do that? I listened to a podcast by Dharius Daniels at Elevation Church last night and he had a thought that resonated with me. David did it to make sure the giant was dead!
How many times do we conquer a giant problem or giant situation…and move on from it cheering? God gave us victory! Sure we will testify that it was a bad season but that’s it. We move on to the next season. And we do t chop the head of it off…meaning we don’t check to make sure we are totally free from it.
But what if we applied David’s principle cutting off the giants head?
Take the giant that’s been holding you back. It could be a layoff. It could be a sickness. It could be fear. It could be the pandemic. It could be family issues. Whatever it is, it shouts and mocks your faith like Goliath did to the Israelites. It pounds inside your spirit and your mind taunting you. Once you get the breakthrough, don’t walk away from it. Go to it while it is fallen and presumed dead…grab your own sword and chop its ugly head off. If we don’t, we may walk into a new season with that old giant building strength and waiting for the perfect time to rise up again. It could be hiding in the bushes of your new season!
Face the giant today and this time, kill it once and for all! I’m working on my giants as well. We can do this because He has done it before, and He will do it again.