Cleaning The Dust Off
This past weekend we did a deep clean on the house. I mean the type of clean that you only do every couple of months. Dust, sweep, scrub, mop and then repeat. I was knocking out the blinds and windows. I took […]
This past weekend we did a deep clean on the house. I mean the type of clean that you only do every couple of months. Dust, sweep, scrub, mop and then repeat. I was knocking out the blinds and windows. I took a cleaner and wiped down every plastic beam for every window we owned. Then I took out the screens and washed them down in the yard. Lastly, I took the Windex and sprayed the inside window and the outside window. Repeat this all day in the mix of babysitting the kids, and it made for a long but fulfilling day for Annie and me.
After I finished each window, I took a minute to step back and looked at it. So clean! I turned the blinds and admired the crisp look. Then I pulled the strings up and looked out the actual window. So clear! Every time I was like wow, why did I wait this long to get this window so cleaned?
How often do we do this spiritually? Why do we live with the dust on our souls like we do for our windows? I could see out the window three days ago, but it wasn’t until I did a deep clean today that my eyes saw everything so much clearer.
What is the dust on your blinds and windows in your heart? Dust doesn’t accumulate overnight. It’s a gradual thing until you notice it and realize it’s there. Dead skin particles, trash in the air, and who knows what else….it’s nasty! Don’t settle for dust in your heart and soul…or your house! There is more to life with Christ than we can ever imagine, but it takes a renewed focus and clear understanding of who He is to truly see Him.
The bottom line is this: clean the dust off your soul. Ask God what are some issues that you have left unresolved for the past couple of days, weeks, months, or even years. Then ask Him to help you clean those issues up. Don’t settle for a quick fix, instead thoroughly inspect and wipe away the grime. Do some work! Spend time talking to God. Read what the Bible says about who you are, who He is, and next steps. Enter His gates with worship music. Get quiet and still to hear His responses. If I want to keep my windows clean longer this time, I need to be more consistent with my cleaning regimen. We need to do that with our walk with God as well.