This is Tough
You know those moments when it all makes sense. I had that on the way to the hospital today to see Josiah. I listen to Hope City podcast weekly and Jeremy Foster said something profound: Some of us want a hot pocket blessing, when God specializes in crock pot anointing.
That hits home.
Think about it, you can live off of hot pockets. Two minutes in a microwave and it’s ready! I ate so many during high school and late night college dorm snacks. It’s not super healthy. It’s cheap. It’s not super sustainable. But it’s something. If you are starving you’d take it gladly. But you’ll be hungry a hour later.
Crock pot cooking is different. My wife will put the meat in it along with the seasoning and juices early in the morning and a hour later the house is filled with glorious smells. I’ll get in trouble because I’ll keep pulling the lid off. Each hour, it gets better. The smells get stronger. The meat gets juicer. By dinner time I can barely handle it! Wow. I’m sitting in the hospital bed with Josiah right now and can imagine it! So good.
I want to be blessed. Jesus please bless me…now. Just being transparent. What if I kept going for the quick blessing, the kind that gives a spark, emotional high, thank you Jesus…and it’s done. Those are great! But I won’t get any deeper. I want the blessings that are life flipping, life changing, and legacy creating. That means I will have to go through it to receive it. God has to marinate my spirit to get ready for the miracle. The meat falls off the bone after hours not minutes in the crock pot.
Right now, it’s tempting…so tempting to say God get me out of this situation. I’m done. But instead I have to say…wait this is part of the plan. God has me in the crockpot. I’m where I am supposed to be. I’m not sure what hour it is. I’m hoping that it’s close to dinner time and the blessing are about to be released, but it could still be 9am and not even close. Ugh..but again it’s a good Ugh for my spirit.
It’s hard to say, but I will say ok to God. For now I’m marinating. I can smell His sweet spirit surrounding me. I know my flesh is being tenderized as well as my spirit. So many things are not completed in me, so many dreams are still waiting to be launched. In the meantime I have to seek Him and seek His will and not my own.
Daddy, I’m struggling writing this one. It’s tough because there are so many frustrating things I’m waiting to get fixed up but having to trust. God, continue to marinate me!