Josiah Is Home!
That’s right! You read it correctly. Josiah is home tonight, sleeping soundly in his bunk bed with his younger brother Levi. God again, showed up in a powerful way.
Let’s talk about family. I wish I would have recorded Josiah opening the front door to our home and Levi running full throttle to greet him. You just heard a shout, “Josiah!” and Levi almost tackling him down to the floor with a bear hug.
Before Josiah left, he promised Levi he would get him a toy from the gift shop if he was good. Of course the gift shop was closed due to the pandemic so there wasn’t a toy to bring home. Josiah looked at Levi and apologetically told him he couldn’t get his brother the toy that he promised. Levi looked up at him, teared up, and said, “Josiah, you being home is even better” and they hugged again. I was n awe!
That moment will forever be stitched into my memory. Tonight I had Josiah and Levi cut Josiah’s medical bands and used it to remind them that no matter what, they could always cut through their problems together with God in the center. I attempted to make it a lesson, but then it got dangerous with the scissors!
Thank you. Thank you for your faith, your encouragement, and your faithfulness to pray for Josiah to be released from his hospital room. Cystic Fibrosis didn’t win in our home tonight. Continue to pray for the other kids that did not get released tonight and doing breathing treatments in their hospital rooms as you read this blog. This is such a dangerous and lonely disease.