Daddy Loves You
Today I got to celebrate Fathers Day with my wife and kids. We honored social distancing and still had a blast at Mo Ranch. My goal today was not for them to honor me, but to honor them. I want my family to know that even though I am far from perfect, I will always support, care, and want to be a part of their lives.
The older I get, the more I get what daddy’s heart is all about. I get excited when I see my kids get excited over something. When they learn something new I get pumped. When they step out in faith, I am cheering them on. When they get scared I will rock them late at night or jump in bed with them and hold them close until they fall back to sleep.
I also feel sadness when life throws a curve ball at then. When Levi runs off scared after realizing he missed up, I just want to hold him tight and tell him it’s ok. When Grace and Josiah get admitted into the hospital I feel broken and sick to my own stomach knowing what is ahead.
That’s a daddy’s heart. Now take my heart that still fights selfishness, fear, doubt, and insecurities…and make one that is pure love. That’s Daddy’s heart (God). Our Daddy loves us so much and walks with us daily.
He wants us to run to him like we my kids run to me. He wants to be with us as we admit our kids into the hospital. He wants to be with me while I write blogs and share my faith/thoughts with you. He is cheering me on as I work on Hacer210. He wants to be a part of everything and anything. My Daddy is my biggest fan and teacher.
I don’t know your relationship with your earthly father, but know your Heavenly Father loves you and wants to be a part of your story. Talk to your Daddy tonight and tell him about your day. We (earthly dads) will break trust, hurt, and even let you down at times…but your Daddy will never leave you or forsake you.
Happy Fathers Daddy. Thank you for making me a dad to three incredible kids. May I show them You in creative ways. May your legacy be a part of their legacy. Amen.