Come Out Of That Grave!
What needs resurrection power in your world? I can tell you what needs to come out of my grave right now:
My kids lungs. The chains of #cysticfibrosis need to be broken completely. I would give my lungs up for them to get good breaths and never put a vest on again or face the possibility of a lung transplant one day, and even worse things.
Our community. There is so much need outside our doors today. Hacer210.org is a great example of how we want to make an impact. In the midst of launching our nonprofit community center we have a pandemic killing thousands, racial tension and social injustice on the streets, political blunders and economic disasters with unemployment, and an overwhelming sense of fear in society on what’s next. Our community needs resurrection power.
My faith in health and finances for our family. I spend to many moments thinking about how God will provide even though He has so many times before. Fear of these medical stays are always in the back of my mind not only in the hospital but the coming months when the collectors start calling.
These lyrics capture it perfectly by Bethel Music:
And there are days I have seen
Filled with heartache and loss
That have buried my heart beneath the weight
But every time His praise breaks out
Dead things rise up from the ground
I won’t leave my song inside that empty grave
‘Cause there is resurrection power
When we sing the name of Jesus
Resurrection power when we raise a mighty sound
So come on let the praise get loud
Make that empty grave resound
‘Cause there is resurrection power in His name
It’s in His name
So tonight I’m giving resurrection power to my kids health. In Jesus’ name those lungs will be healed. I’m giving resurrection power to our finances from these hospital stays. In Jesus’ name it won’t affect us in the upcoming months. I’m giving resurrection power in Hacer210 tonight. In Jesus’ name our community will be able to dream bigger than ever before and legacies will be changed in our great city and beyond.
I’m not asking but I’m telling you, let’s sing the name of Jesus together. No matter where you are. No matter what you are doing. Stop and declare your dreams and hopes to come out of that grave. Let go of the chains of fear and insecurity and reach for Jesus instead. Post below what you need resurrection power in your life today! I want to pray with you! You got this, because He has this…He has resurrection power!