““Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.”
John 14:1 AMP
This seems to be the perfect verse for me today, and maybe for you as well. Let’s break this verse down, piece by piece. The Bible is telling us to not worry, stress, or be troubled. It also tells us what to do instead, and that’s believe in God.
I love what the amplified version adds to the context. Not only do we need to believe but to believe confidently. Imagine if David didn’t have confidence when he slung the pebble at Goliath’s head. He would have missed from his hand shaking so hard. It seems that I believe but at times I forget to believe confidentially that He’s got this. I can encourage you all day, but then I have to remember His Grace is for me too!
It also talks about trust. I like that it says to hold on to it and rely it on it. It’s easy to trust when it’s going good. You are healthy. You have a job. Relationships are good. Family is good. The view from the mountain top is always inspiring. But do I trust when it’s not going great and it’s scary internally? Do I hold on to His promises that he shared with me from the mountain top experiences? Can I keep going on?
The answer is yes, but I had to get reminded by the Holy Spirit this past weekend. I wanted to remind you as well. He’s got you! Believe that God is bigger than your situation. Have confidence and trust in God!
Take a moment and watch this video by Ryan Stevenson, “Through it All”. https://youtu.be/4iw9_01xrEA. Powerful lyrics that fit with John 14:1.