What Does “Hacer” mean?
What does Hacer mean? It is a Spanish word that is translated to the English definition meaning: to do, make, bring, take on, create, render, give, and work (there are more examples, but I really love those!).
The word, “Hacer” literally captures the heart of what God is asking us to do. He wants us to do something. He wants us to make something. He wants us to bring something to help others. He wants us to take on something. He wants us to create opportunities that will allow others to dream big.
I’m serious! It’s time we all stopped just living through the day. We are here to help others. We are here to inspire and encourage our communities to start dreaming bigger. It’s time to bring healing to the person down the street that is struggling. Not just struggling financially but struggling internally with doubt, fear, and an unbelief that they are called. If we can show them they matter, that someone believes in them….can you imagine the impact it would have?
Each of us are called. You, me, the person taking your order at the burger joint, and the CEO that just dropped his suit at the cleaners last Thursday. We are all called to do something greater than we believe we can do. It’s a matter of realizing it, praying about it, and acting on it. For it to be successful, it needs all three to happen!
Jesus talks about it:
““Believe me: I am in my Father and my Father is in me. If you can’t believe that, believe what you see—these works. The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things, because I, on my way to the Father, am giving you the same work to do that I’ve been doing. You can count on it. From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I’ll do it. That’s how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. I mean it. Whatever you request in this way, I’ll do.”
You are meant to do greater things! You are called! Maybe that means organizing food drop offs. Maybe it means teaching healthy life style changes. It could mean coaching young minds on the court or fields for lessons that they will teach their kids someday. It could be helping a senior apply for colleges. What about young parents that need parental advice themselves? What if you could be the one person that just listens to a crying spirit that disparately needs to weep to get peace? Thousands of ways to be His hands!
Maybe it means to volunteer and partner with an organization like Hacer210 that is living this vision out? It all goes back to believing you are special and chosen. According to John 14, you are equipped because Jesus is with you. The presence of God is with you! Stop…read that last sentence again…ok now let’s do this. Let’s radically change what our community is doing today. Let’s talk about it and see how we can do this together! Brainstorm. Pray. What is your part? Be a part of making an impact! Be a legacy changer! Don’t waste your life, just walking through it.
I believe in you. He believes in you. Do you believe in you?