Pray For Grace
Goliath is coming over the mountain again. He’s staring at us. I hear his voice and I can feel his eyes starring. I can feel his shadow.
But I look down and I see my pebbles in my hand. These pebbles represent my faith and His truth.
Tomorrow morning I’m taking Grace to the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic downtown at the hospital. She’s having some issues and they want to see her immediately, first thing in the morning.
Am I nervous for her health? Yes.
Am I wondering if they will admit her for a two week stay again? Yes.
Do I worry about Covid exposure for her? Yes.
Do I think about logistics for our family if she does get admitted? Yes.
But that’s when the pebbles come into play. I can’t beat Goliath or CF with my own hands. I have to depend on God to do that. When I take my nervous hand and reach down into the satchel bag of my spirit, I grab my faith and His truth. I go against what my mind makes up in the “what if” scenarios and instead hold what I know to be true in my spirit. God has my baby girl.
Time to sling the pebbles at the giant again tomorrow! I can’t wait to see him fall…again. Would you pray for us tomorrow? I’m ready to make a battle cry!