Make Them Laugh!
This is what I love. After work we dressed up to be fun and brought dinners to the coolest teens in San Antonio. My youngest son was with us and got a chance to say “God bless You!” to everyone. Seeing the teens faces light up in laughter and to have them forget about everything for 5min is worth the two hours driving around town.
We put the kids down and I met some of my team members that joined a web meeting online. I wanted a chance to laugh and not talk about metrics or numbers. It was fantastic because everyone got a chance to be real and truly encouraged each other. We had a blast literally laughing for a hour.
I live by St. Francis of Assisi famous quote, “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words”. My passion is to share Jesus and I think the first thing is to build the bridge first. Build the community together. Create moments of laughter. Create moments of hope. Let people see that you want to invest in them. Let them know that they are that important to you. Then the field is ready! That’s when you can truly make a real impact.
Get creative, offer hope, and offer love this week. You can be the difference maker!