Coronavirus Prison
I know you are thinking it. “I’m bored.” “I am ready to get out.” “Why is this happening?”.
While you are feeling sorry for yourself I want you to reflect on Paul for a minute. The majority of us are staying at home, in the AC. Granted, it’s gotten old. The kids are restless. You want to go inside a store again. BUT…remember, you are at home. Paul was quarantined and chained to a Roman guard in prison….multiple times for sharing Jesus! Still feeling sorry for yourself working remotely?
So what are you doing during this slow period of time? Want to know what Paul did? He wrote letters to communities offering encouragement, wisdom, and faith. In fact he wrote letters that are in the New Testament today!
This isn’t meant to shame anyone at all. But it is meant to cause you to reflect on the past six weeks or so and ask God what is next. Are you spending this time wisely? Paul had every reason to sit in prisons and be overwhelmed with feelings of anger, confusion, abandonment, and anxiety. Instead, he took the opportunity God gave him in prison and made the most of it sharing his faith.
Don’t let the prisons of the Coronavirus keep you from reaching out and helping someone today!