Carrying Your Troubles
So many times we say that we can’t continue. We cannot bare it anymore. We are tired. It’s been a long hard road. We are burned out. It just feels heavy.
Here’s the thing…it’s not you. It what you are carrying. So many of us, so many times are carrying around weight. We have troubles loaded up on shoulders. We are carrying around something that is holding us down while we try to stretch out. It’s like running a marathon with 20lbs barbells! At first it may have been something small but even a 5lbs weight can feel like 100lbs if you carry it all day with an arm outstretched.
If you are carrying something that is holding you back, it’s time to drop the weight. It could be fears, addictions, insecurities, etc. Imagine how much easier life will be if you dropped the weight! Talk about freedom!
“Pile your troubles on GOD’s shoulders— he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin..”
Psalm 55:22 MSG
Notice the verse says to “pile your troubles on God’s shoulders”. I like how it says trouble with a “s” at the end! So why would we carry our troubles, our weights when God wants us to pile them on His shoulders?
I’m ready to pile my troubles on His shoulders, are you?