Burn the Plow!
“He made a fire with the plow and tackle and then boiled the meat—a true farewell meal for the family. Then he left and followed Elijah, becoming his right-hand man.”
I never realized this story before. I was listening to the audio version of Steven Furticks book, “Greater” and he referenced Elisha’s turning point.
Here’s the background:
Elisha was doing good. He had a steady job, even one of the lead farmers with the oxen. But day in and day out he starred at his oxen rears and a plow. It would be a hot, dusty, and dirty work. Again very stable job and it provided him what he needed. But then he got the call.
Decision Time:
Elijah picked him to be his second hand man. It was God’s calling for Elisha. Elisha has a decision to make. Would he stick to the easy? Would he stay comfortable knowing what was going to happen tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, etc. would he continue to live in the easy?
Elisha chose to accept the call that God placed on Him. He ran off to say by to his parents and then he burnt the plows. The plows was the main thing he owned as well as the oxen. This guy literally burned his old livelihood away. He made it so that he couldn’t go back to his old faith, to his old life.
The point:
I believe God is giving you that same chance that he gave Elisha. Will you run with no abandon towards the call? Will you burn your oxen and plows…meaning, will you go all in with your vision? Elisha said yes but didn’t know the outcome. Again, I’m asking you…will you burn the plow? I am. I am all in with Hacer210 to bring peoples dreams into reality so they can do something greater then ever imagined. People will see God move so much and I can’t contain it! What is it that God is asking you to sacrifice? What is He is calling you to do?
I am praying that tonight you will have that conversation with God. You will hear and feel that tug that won’t stop pulling you away from the ordinary. You can do this, don’t ignore it.