Searching By The Rocks
What are you looking for? Yesterday my daughter joined millions of 2yr olds looking for Easter eggs to fill in their basket. Her eggs contained candy and coins. I was seeing the eggs clearly out there by a tree (I did put some of them there!) but Grace was determined to go to the rocks instead. I’m gently holding her hand saying “tree” and she is visibly shouting “ROCKS” and trying to let go of my hand.
Some of us are looking for things today. Some are looking for distractions. Some are looking for healing. Some are looking for jobs. Some are trying to figure out how to teach their kids school work. Others are looking for hope. These are very valid things…but maybe we need to look for them at different places. Maybe God is telling us to look by the tree, but instead we are shouting ROCKS instead. Wow, ok that was a gut punch to myself?! I hear ya God!
I can tell you it’s not in the amount of likes you get on social media platforms. It’s not on CNN. It’s not on FOX. Its definitely not in a news briefing by the President. It’s not on a Netflix series. It’s not in hoarding fifty rolls of toilet paper or ten bottles of Clorox. It’s not in your bed sleeping away the time.
What you are looking for can only be found in God. Change your focus to looking for His blessings today. Today I was able to set up a team member to take calls remotely. Today I was able to give a recommendation for a former team member for a new job. Today I watched Sesame Street with Grace and learned about the number 7. Today I got to teach vocabulary words with the boys. Tonight I get an incredible dinner with the family with the Voice playing in the background. Tonight I got to rock my daughter to sleep and tuck in the boys. Tonight I get to relax with my wife. Now, the TV is off and the kitchen is clean…and I get the privilege of writing this blog and my next sermon! Tonight I get to go to sleep knowing that God is watching over my family.
Instead of searching and looking for the next great egg by the rocks, we need to be so incredibly thankful for the basket that has given us, listen to His voice, and head to the tree.
By the way…eventually Grace walked to the tree. She caused herself a detour that led to nothing, but she listened to her daddy and eventually got the good eggs…by the tree! May we get off our detours, and listen to the one who wants us to have more blessings too.
“I’ll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness, the taste of ashes, the poison I’ve swallowed. I remember it all—oh, how well I remember— the feeling of hitting the bottom. But there’s one other thing I remember, and remembering, I keep a grip on hope:
GOD ’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great your faithfulness! I’m sticking with GOD (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.”